Archive for the 'Drugs & Medicine' Category

#697: Patrick Dewals pleit voor cannabis vs opiaten als pijnbestrijding

• May, 2022

Marlies Dekkers in gesprek met politiek filosoof Patrick Dewals over diens boek: ‘Medicinale Cannabis: Meer dan een ethische kwestie.’ “Met cannabis kan je weinig fout doen.” Hoewel de meeste Nederlanders cannabisgebruik zien als een wat riskante vorm van recreatie, bezit de hallucinogene plant ook een veelvoud aan medicinale werkingen. Cannabis helpt tegen spasticiteit en misselijkheid, vermindert zenuwpijn, en heeft zelfs positief effect op epilepsie patiënten. Mensen met kanker gebruiken het om de bijwerkingen van chemotherapie tegen te gaan. Desalniettemin wordt de plant zelden voorgeschreven door

The Treatment (Bayer AG / Ryan White)

• October, 2020

A multinational pharmaceutical company with a dark past becomes the central figure of a contaminated blood product crisis. Prelude: Ryan White is banned from school after contracting HIV. PATREON: WEBSITE: SUPPORT: SHOP: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: MUSIC: All music performed by Trevor Howard (Deformr)

Henry Rollins Interview

• May, 2020

I chatted to Henry about drugs and other things. Please hit the

Joe Rogan Experience #1464 – Duncan Trussell

• April, 2020

Duncan Trussell is a stand-up comedian, and host of his own podcast “The Duncan Trussell Family Hour”. His new show “The Midnight Gospel” is now streaming only on Netflix. @Duncan Trussell

Kevin Smith – The Smokebox | BREALTV

• March, 2020

New smokebox series kicks off with special guest @Kevin Smith joining B Real in the lowrider for a smokey session. On this episode the two exchange stories about having a couple run ins with the law involving marijuana, Jay & Silent Bob Reboot, how cannabis saved Kevin’s life + more. Subscribe to BREALTV on YouTube: Watch BREALTV’s Exclusive Series and Footage: The Smokebox – Dr Greenthumb Strain Reviews – Once Upon A Rhyme – BREALTV Exclusives – Website –

Cannabis: A Lost History

• April, 2018

This documentary explores the longstanding relationship of human beings and cannabis, from its use in ancient Asia to its ban in 20th century America.

In pot we trust

• December, 2013

In pot we Trust .::. <<video>>

Amazonia – Healing With Sacred Plants

• May, 2013

Alberto Villoldo, psychologist, anthropologist and bestselling author, has studied the shamanic healing practices of the Amazon for over 25 years. In this beautifully filmed documentary he reveals secrets of the jungle’s sacred plants and the healers who administer them, deep in the Amazon rainforest.

Alcohol’s gateway effect much larger than marijuana’s – Yale study

• August, 2012

A Yale study published Tuesday in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that people who used alcohol or tobacco in their youth are almost twice as likely to abuse prescription opiate drugs than those who only used marijuana. Researchers were careful to specify that any youth substance abuse, including just marijuana use, makes people more than twice as likely to abuse prescription opiate drugs in young adulthood. However, the study’s authors noted that clinical data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health revealed

Over 40 years of “war on drugs”… What changed?

• February, 2012

‘Will anything sensible be done?’ asked Gore Vidal about the drug war, 40 years ago. So far, there’s no sign. Last week Tom Chivers posted a blog in which he observed that Portugal has recorded a fifty per cent drop in “problem drug users”, since they decriminalised all drugs. Will our government take note and act accordingly? Don’t be silly. In 1970 – half a lifetime ago – Gore Vidal wrote in The New York Times: “It is possible to stop most drug addiction in

Copenhagen votes to legalise marijuana

• December, 2011

Marijuana could soon be legalised in Copenhagen, after the city voted overwhelmingly in favour of a scheme that would see the drug sold through a network of state-run shops and cafes. The scheme, if approved by the Danish parliament at the start of next year, could make the city the first to fully legalise, rather than simply tolerate, marijuana consumption. The drug is already sold openly on the streets of Christiania, a self-proclaimed ‘free town’ in the city centre, despite the closure of the neighbourhood’s

Clearing the Smoke: The Science of Cannabis

• November, 2011

Watch the full episode. See more MontanaPBS Presents. Clearing the Smoke, reveals how cannabis acts on the brain and in the body to treat nausea, pain, epilepsy and potentially even cancer. Extensive interviews with patients, doctors, researchers and skeptics detail the promises and the limitations of medicinal cannabis.


• October, 2011

Watch the full episode. The laws, concerns and events surrounding [wikipedia]medical marijuana[/wikipedia] in Montana are in a state of flux. Some of the information presented in this May 2010 documentary is outdated. When Montana’s legislature meets in January 2011, it’s likely even more will change.