Archive for the 'Economy' Category
They built an alternative community – Docu – 2014
• May, 2018How would people organize an alternative community if they could start all over again? Shortly before the municipal elections, VPRO backlight, inspired by the reality TV program Utopia, together with the brand new professor of community development Justus Uitermark looks into how people would organize their own alternative community if they could start again. Original title: Youtopia (VPRO backlight) Vpro backlight goes to three local alternative communities in which people who are not able to handle the existing political system try to turn towards a…
How the rich get richer – money in the world economy
• April, 2018Exploding real estate prices, zero interest rate and a rising stock market – the rich are getting richer. What danger lies in wait for average citizens? For years, the world’s central banks have been pursuing a policy of cheap money. The first and foremost is the ECB (European Central Bank), which buys bad stocks and bonds to save banks, tries to fuel economic growth and props up states that are in debt. But what relieves state budgets to the tune of hundreds of billions annoys…
Making the future
• December, 2017Making the future – VPRO documentary – backlight 2014 Decreasing costs of materials and tools, and the availability of all kinds of information mean everyone can become a maker, developer or entrepreneur. Is this the start of a new industrial revolution? Rapid technological developments have not only made knowledge available to everyone, but the tools to invent and produce are now at our fingertips too. A new generation of inventors and makers that have taken matters into their own hands and are innovating and producing…
Money for free
• July, 2015Michael Bohmeyer, a young German, has started a crowdfunding campaign for an unconditional basic income. With every 12,000 euros raised, one person gets an income of 1000 euros per month for a year. So far, eight people have been receiving this basic income. There are no obligations other than to submit themselves to research into how this effects their lives. In New York, Michael meets venture investor Albert Wenger who has been thinking about basic income for years. With his company he invested in many…
Power to the People
• July, 2015EUROMANIA – Uncovering The European Union
• May, 2014A FILMMAKER ON A SEARCH TO UNCOVER THE EUROPEAN UNION: Does Europe provide jobs and democracy, or is it a big business project? A deeply personal and revealing documentary from the creators of the 2012 hit Panopticon. EUROMANIA shows what is happening to people and countries all over Europe.
CITIZEN KOCH, Koch Brothers Documentary with Filmmaker Carl Deal
• December, 2013Youtube excerpt: CITIZEN KOCH, the Koch Brothers documentary that exposed corruption at the highest levels, is shared with the trailer, footage from the film, and explanation courtesy of filmmaker Car Deal. How Fox News, the Tea Party, Citizens United and Hurricane Katrina inspired the movie are all shared in this uncensored interview for BYOD. GUEST INFO: Carl Deal and Tia Lessin, directors and producers, are Academy Award® nominated filmmakers who also produced and directed TROUBLE THE WATER, winner of the Gotham Independent Film Award, the…
Corporate Fascism: The Destruction of America’s Middle Class
• December, 2013A new kind of fascism has taken over America: the merger of corporations and government whereby corporate power dominates. With the emergence of ever-larger multinational corporations — due to consolidation facilitated by the Federal Reserve’s endless FIAT money — the corporatocracy has been in a position to literally purchase the U.S. Congress. A James Jaeger Film featuring RON PAUL, Congressman/Presidential Candidate; PAT BUCHANAN, Author/Political Analyst; G. EDWARD GRIFFIN, Author/Producer; EDWIN VIEIRA, Author/Constitutional Attorney and TED BAEHR, Founder of MovieGuide and Christian Film & TV Commission.…
Culture in Decline | Episode #6 – Tale of Two Worlds
• September, 2013In this final episode of the season, Dr. Peter Joseph shows off his fresh new Time Machine, guiding the audience through a vision of two possible futures. The first exploring the current trends that just may lead us all into vast new levels of decline; The second showing what the world could be…if anyone actually gave a damn to make it happen. ;) Louie the Logic Gremlin is sleeping; Bob is Dead.
• June, 2013It is no secret that CIA is engaged in criminal activities around the world, some of which are quite deadly, some of which are quite provocative in the sense of laying the groundwork for large scale military conflict, and it’s happening in a lot of countries. This is not unique to the United States. The United States learned some of this from the British who learned it in turn during the 19th century when they were a dominant imperial power around the world. They cut…
Culture in Decline | Episode #5 “Baby Go Boom!”
• May, 2013… “Maybe it’s while you’re shopping. Maybe it’s while you’re watching television. Maybe it’s while you’re applying spray-on tanner to your fake breasts. We all have those moments each and every day when we feel, even if just for a second, that we’re living in an illusion, that we have bought in to a paradigm that doesn’t fit and can’t sustain. “Culture in Decline” abuses your illusions and molests your thoughts in all the right ways. Peter Joseph brilliantly and cleverly pulls back the shower…
The Tax Free Tour (VPRO docu)
• March, 2013“Where do multinationals pay taxes and how much?” Gaining insight from international tax experts, Backlight director Marije Meerman (‘Quants’ & ‘Money & Speed’), takes a look at tax havens, the people who live there and the routes along which tax is avoided globally. Those routes go by resounding names like ‘Cayman Special’, ‘Double Irish’, and ‘Dutch Sandwich’. A financial world operates in the shadows surrounded by a high level of secrecy. A place where sizeable capital streams travel the world at the speed of light…
Wealth Inequality in America
• March, 2013Even though these are just the stats for America… You can pretty much connect the dots with the rest of “Western Civilization”… Food for thought? Think for yourself, question authority.