Israël vs Hamas: New weapons used against demonstrators
West Bank: New weapons used against demonstrators
Since the start of the massacre on Gaza (27 December 2009), the Israeli army has been testing new types of weapons in several villages around West Bank.

The green bullet contains an unknown chemical substance.
There are two new types of bullets and one new type of teargas canister.
One small bullet, known by its caliber size as “0.22″, does not make a sound when fired. The bullet can only be heard by a low sweeping noise in the air as it passes. The low caliber allows the bullet to easily enter the body and cause internal bleeding. The bullet can enter a body from approximately 50 meters. Until now, 7 people have been shot with the “0.22″ in Bi’lin, Ni’lin, and Budrus. Several from Bi’lin and Ni’lin have this bullet lodged in their knees, one bullet went through a demonstrator’s leg and another demonstrator was shot in the stomach (causing internal bleeding).

Too small to be considered live ammunition by Israeli authorities, the 0.22 caliber bullet is just as deadly
The second type of bullet contains an unknown chemical substance. Although the composition of this bullet is not yet known, several protesters have complained of skin irritations.
The Israeli army has began to use a more dangerous teargas canister. Thus far, use of this canister has been restricted to the villages of Ni’lin and Jayyous. The canister is black, heavy and can reach more than 400 meters. The gas-canister explodes only after it hits the ground. No tail of gas or audible cue makes this canister more likely to cause injuries, as demonstrators cannot anticipate when it is being used. This canister ignites more easily and has set fire to a living room. Additionally, the acceleration and weight of this canister cause a greater impact when hitting a demonstrator: a broken leg resulted from the use of this canister against demonstrators.
I am far from surprised here. Yet I am not sure whether this is merely some Palestinian propaganda (should study some more weapons first ;) ). Either way… Go Israëli’s… yeah, go become what u have feared good half a century ago…