Purple snow in southern Russia
Purple snow in southern Russia
Prime Time Russia
The morning after “Woman’s Day”, lots of people in Southern Russia couldn’t believe what they were seeing when they found purple snow in their streets.
Multi-coloured snowfall had landed in Russia’s Stravropol region.
Having analyzed the samples, climatologists ruled that the snow is perfectly safe. However, eating purple snow is still not recommended as scientists say it is full of dust from Africa.
A massive dust cyclone rose to upper atmosphere layers and then mixed with regular snow clouds in Russia’s South.
So, as a matter of fact, purple snow was an expeditious shipping of African sand beaches to Stavropol region. If it was not for negative temperatures, its residents could already be having sand-bathes.
A similar incident took place some years ago in Russia’s Far East.
I don’t like pink that much… however, it does turn the world in a bit of a goofier place… no need for lsd nor mushrooms no more, let nature do it’s thing n we might all be surprised by the weirdness that surrounds us day by day…