Archive for the 'Drugs & Medicine' Category

First therapeutic study of LSD in 35 years finishes treatment of last subject

• July, 2011

Psychiatrists in Switzerland have nearly completed their study of LSD-assisted psychotherapy in the treatment of anxiety associated with life threatening illnesses. The study is the first of its kind to be undertaken in 35 years. Although most people associate the psychedelic drug [wikipedia]LSD[/wikipedia] with the hippie counterculture of the 1960’s, psychiatrists had been studying the use of LSD as an aid to psychological therapy before it was federally banned in the United States in 1968. Peter Gasser, M.D., a psychiatrist and lead investigator of the

Magic mushroom’s positive effects

• June, 2011

Magic mushroom’s positive effects lasting over a year according to researchers Scientists at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine claim to have determined the proper dose levels needed to create positive changes in attitudes, mood, life satisfaction, and behavior that persist for more than a year with the psychoactive substance in so-called “[wikipedia]magic mushrooms[/wikipedia].” The findings are the latest in a series of experiments done at Johns Hopkins to investigate psilocybin, a psychedelic substance contained in certain mushrooms. The findings were published online this

Is Alcohol Worse than Ecstasy – BBC Horizon

• September, 2010

Is Alcohol Worse than Ecstasy? <<Editors notE>> A BBC Horizon documentary film that compares effects of various drugs. They take twenty of UK’s most dangerous drugs and put them in a nice list going from “not so bad” to “worst drug u can find”. The list they have come up with looks like this: 20 Cathinone (Khat) 19 Amyl nitrite (Poppers) 18 MDMA/ Ecstasy 17 GHB 16 Anabolic steroid 15 Methylphenidate (e.g. Ritalin) 14 LSD/ Acid 13 4-MTA 12 Solvents 11 THC (Cannabis) 10 Buprenophine

Cottonland – an “Oxy Cotton” tragedy =video=

• July, 2010

Cottonland – OxyCodone / OxyContin Photographer Nance Ackerman describes the havoc prescription painkiller OxyContin, wreaked in the already weakened Cape Breton town of Glace Bay. The film guides us through a culture of economic and social depression where we encounter a number of men and women at different stages of dependency. Demystifying the world of the addict while showing us the complex social nexus that led to such despair, Cottonland emphasizes the importance of a collective approach to tackling addiction. ©copyright// – National Film Board

If Marijuana Production Were Legal

• June, 2010

If Marijuana Production Were Legal: Projected Tax Revenues, by State (US only) Love it or hate it, people smoke marijuana – lots of it. In some states marijuana consumption and possession have been decriminalized, and even legalized for medicinal purposes. But, have you ever wondered how large the economics of Marijuana were? Us too. As a result ,have decided to put together this graphic, which illustrates the popularity of marijuana consumption, the federal tax dollars spent to keep marijuana illegal, and the possible tax revenues

French bread spiked with LSD in CIA experiment

• March, 2010

French bread spiked with LSD in CIA experiment A 50-year mystery over the ‘cursed bread’ of Pont-Saint-Esprit, which left residents suffering hallucinations, has been solved after a writer discovered the US had spiked the bread with LSD as part of an experiment. In 1951, a quiet, picturesque village in southern France was suddenly and mysteriously struck down with mass insanity and hallucinations. At least five people died, dozens were interned in asylums and hundreds afflicted. For decades it was assumed that the local bread had

Prescription narcotics cause more deaths than both heroin and cocaine

• February, 2010

Prescription narcotics cause more deaths than both heroin and cocaine 2009 by Mike Adams On the heels of the sudden death of celebrity actress Brittany Murphy, people are once again raising the question of just how dangerous prescription drugs might really be. Some are arguing, however, that street drugs are the real danger, not prescription drugs. But the following study demonstrates why prescription drugs are far more dangerous than illegal recreational drugs. According to a new study conducted by physicians at St. Michael’s Hospital and

Fractals – The Colours Of Infinity

• October, 2009

Fractals – The Colours Of Infinity (By Arthur C. Clarke) .::. <<video>> [google 8570098277666323857] <<Editors notE>> This documentary about fractals is a bit of an older documentary, but it doesn’t mean the subject is no longer relevant. The contrary might be stated in this new take on nano-tech, string theory, CERN, and all the other related subjects. The discovery of fractals had various effects on how the world has to be perceived and it started an explosion in many different fields of science, arts, …

Hofmann’s Potion

• October, 2009

Hofmann’s Potion Connie Littlefield, 2002 This documentary offers a compassionate, open-minded look at LSD and how it fits into our world. Long before Timothy Leary urged a generation to “tune in, turn on and drop out,” the drug was hailed as a way to treat forms of addiction and mental illness. At the same time, it was being touted as a powerful tool for mental exploration and self-understanding. Featuring interviews with LSD pioneers, beautiful music and stunning cinematography, this is much more than a simple

Two thousand schoolgirls suffer suspected ill-effects from cervical cancer vaccine

• September, 2009

Two thousand schoolgirls suffer suspected ill-effects from cervical cancer vaccine By Laura Donnelly, Health Correspondent Thousands of schoolgirls have suffered suspected adverse reactions to a controversial cervical cancer vaccine introduced by the Government. Doctors’ reports show that girls of 12 and 13 have experienced convulsions, fever and paralysis after being given the vaccine, which is now administered in schools as part of efforts to prevent women developing cancer. Others suffered nausea, muscle weakness, dizziness and blurred vision, according to a special report drawn up by

National Geographic – Marijuana Nation

• August, 2009

Marijuana Nation .::. <<video>> [google -2416320887244340069 nolink] <<Editors notE>> Another “pot-umentary”, National Geographic style. It leaves the judging in the middle which I think is good so both parties get to say their bid. Eventhough we all know what side will win in the end… Enjoy the view n start planting some seeds… At least that is what I try to do. Peace out! La Cinyc Check out for more related goodies.

U.S. military: Heavily armed and medicated

• June, 2009

U.S. military: Heavily armed and medicated By Melody Petersen May 19, 2009 Prescription pill dependency among American troops is on the rise Marine Corporal Michael Cataldi woke as he heard the truck rumble past. He opened his eyes, but saw nothing. It was the middle of the night, and he was facedown in the sands of western Iraq. His loaded M16 was pinned beneath him. Cataldi had no idea how he’d gotten to where he now lay, some 200 meters from the dilapidated building where

Price of cocaine set to plunge

• May, 2009

Price of cocaine set to plunge, UN warns 18 Feb 2009 The price of cocaine is set to plunge further because Europe is being flooded with the drug through new smuggling routes, the United Nations drugs chief Hamid Ghodse has warned. Traffickers are exploiting networks in West Africa and Eastern Europe to bring the drug in from South America. The International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) said cocaine prices would continue to fall unless action was taken to block the new supply routes. It comes less