Archive for the 'Xtreme' Category
Big Wave Surfing Fun
• August, 2008And now just off for some Big Wave Surfing Fun!:: C’mon, just gettin some feet wet :P
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
• August, 2008The largest particle accelerator in the world, the LHC of the European Center for Physics, will start in August , as being told by CERN in Geneva. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a circular tunnel 27 kilometers long at the height of Geneva and the Swiss-French border. In this tunnel particles are fired at nearly the speed of light that in turn come into conflict with each other. This collision creates a multitude of new particles. At full speed and thanks to more than…
Walkway of death… Enjoy!
• June, 2008Found this one somewhere… enjoy and remember: Tricks are for Kids… more info on the climbing spot: